Stable Diffusion その4 クラゲ触手のイカ娘

Stable Diffusion その4 クラゲ触手のイカ娘


picture 17

A beautiful hyperdetailed fairy trapped in a slimed Cylindrical fish tank painted by * she is sleeping. she is wet and messy. She's underwater. fish tank filled with slimed tentacle. fish tank full of slimed jelly-fish like tentacle. ,finely detailed perfect face, dazzling light beam penetrated through the window, perfectly shaded, atmospheric lighting at the laboratory. background painting by ** A camera with a pulled viewpoint. Composition with a wide angle of view.

なかなか頭の悪い呪文になっているが、ここに到達したのは偶然ではなかったりする。 tentacleというキーワードが応用できること、slimedというキーワードが非常に上手く作用すること、水中や粘液の表現が異常に上手いことなどがなどがなんとなくわかっていた。とくに触手はデフォルトではタコだが、指定すると別の形になる。このあたり試行錯誤していたら出てきたのがこれらである。あまり似たものを見たことがなく、オリジナルと言えるかもしれない。

picture 18

A beautiful hyperdetailed elf trapped in a slimed glass jar painted by * she is wet and messy. jar filled with slimed tentacle. A jar full of tentacles ,finely detailed perfect face, dazzling light beam penetrated through the window, perfectly shaded, atmospheric lighting at the laboratory. She's underwater. background painting by ** A camera with a pulled viewpoint. Composition with a wide angle of view.


picture 18

A beautiful hyperdetailed angel trapped in a slimed Cylindrical fish tank painted by * she is coma. she is wet and messy. She's underwater. fish tank filled with slimed tentacle. fish tank full of slimed jelly-fish like tentacle. ,finely detailed perfect face, dazzling light beam penetrated through the window, perfectly shaded, atmospheric lighting at the laboratory. background painting by ** A camera with a pulled viewpoint. Composition with a wide angle of view.



© 水マン(みずマン) - waterman_jp